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Medical Spanish Present Tense Verbs

Using Present Tense in Medical Spanish: Online Course

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Present tense verbs in Spanish are the glue that hold all of your medical Spanish vocabulary together. Knowing how to conjugate verbs in Spanish allows you to connect subjects with the actions they are doing.

In this course we take a deep dive into present tense verb conjugations in Spanish. We embed these conjugations in the context of verbs and vocabulary that are extremely useful for working with your Spanish speaking patients.

We provide you with quick and easy video lessons, downloads for further study, and quizzes to test your knowledge

Join the course today and master present tense verb conjugations in Spanish!

Medical Spanish Present Tense Verbs


2 responses to “Using Present Tense in Medical Spanish: Online Course”

  1. christine barbato Avatar
    christine barbato

    I am attempting to take quiz for week 1.

    I was brought to the page to join course?

    1. Hey Christine, yes you’re in the course for sure. Sometimes if you get stuck or locked out of something it helps to:
      1. Logout of the site
      2. Clear your browser cache
      3. Log back in and give it another shot.
      If that doesn’t work, let me know and I’ll have our developer look into it. Thanks,

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