Foundations in English

Foundations in English

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Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos/as! Les queremos dar la bienvenida oficial en el video abajo…

In this course, you will- En este curso vas a…

  1. Learn how to use the foundational verb “To Be” in English. Aprender como usar el verbo fundacional “To Be”
  2. Learn how to conjugate verbs in the present simple tense. You will practice this as you describe your routines, habits, and hobbies. Aprender cómo conjugar y usar los verbos del presente simple. Vas a describir las rutinas y los pasatiempos.
  3. Learn how to ask “Yes no No” questions to get information you need. Aprender cómo hacer las preguntas de sí o no para recolectar información.
  4. Learn how to use “Information Questions” using an interrogative. These questions require more detail. Aprender cómo usar las interrogativas para hacer las preguntas y contestar.
  5. Learn how to use “Adjectives” to describe people, places, ideas and things. Learn various categories of adjectives. Aprender cómo usar los adjetivos para describir a las personas, los lugares, las ideas y cosas.

Follow the steps in each lesson to complete the course. Sigue los pasos en cada lección para completar el curso.

  1. Download the Lesson Notes to follow along and complete the additional practice sections in the lesson notes.
  2. Watch the Video lesson and follow along with the lesson notes
  3. Complete the practice exercises and check your answers.
  4. Test you knowledge! Take the quiz to test your learning.
  5. Comment below…We want to know what questions you have about the “Be” verb and drop an example of its use in the comment section.

Welcome – ¡Preséntate! Introduce yourself in the comment box below. Comparte…Share…

  1. ¿De dónde eres? Where are you from?
  2. Una o 2 metas que tienes para mejorar tu competencia oral. 1 or 2 goals you have to improve your speaking abilities.
  3. Algo interesante. Something interesting about you.

1 thought on “Foundations in English”

  1. Ana Elizabeth Ballesteros Cadena

    Hellos My name is Ana, my goals are: review all the basic rules in grammar and be able to have a simple conversation with someone else.

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