Spanish Crash Course

Spanish Crash Course

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¡Bienvenidos aprendices de español! Welcome Spanish Learners!

Great job taking your next step to improve your Spanish. We are here to support you along the way.

This Crash Course in Spanish will give you a strong base to continue your learning in Spanish.

Watch the video below to learn more about this course:

Follow the steps in each lesson to complete the course. Sigue los pasos en cada lección para completar el curso.

  1. Download the Lesson Notes to follow along and complete the additional practice sections in the lesson notes.
  2. Watch the Video lesson and follow along with the lesson notes
  3. Quiz yourself: complete the quizzes or exercises at the end of each lesson
  4. Comment below…We want to know what questions you have. Drop them in the comment section of each lesson.

Welcome – ¡Preséntate! Introduce yourself in the comment box below. Comparte…Share…

  1. ¿De dónde eres? Where are you from?
  2. Una o 2 metas que tienes para mejorar tu competencia oral. 1 or 2 goals you have to improve your speaking abilities.
  3. Algo interesante. Something interesting about you.

2 thoughts on “Spanish Crash Course”

  1. I originally learned Spanish in my Philadelphia, PA high school and, after graduating, spent 7 months in Spain (Valladolid) as a teacher’s assistant in a girls’ prep school. For the last 16 years I have served as a volunteer registered nurse at a local free clinic. This clinic’s patient base is approximately 40% Hispanic and most speak very limited English. In addition, there are many who lack basic health literacy, so my job is to help them feel comfortable with medicines, procedures, and instructions. I often find myself having to translate a health provider’s English”medicalese” not just into Spanish, but into something understandable to the patient. So I need to enhance my vocabulary and improve my pronunciation.

    1. Alexandra MacPhee

      ¡Hola Michele! Sounds like an excellent reason to continue working on your Spanish. So glad you can join the course!

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