Con Mucha Gratitud

Con Mucha Gratitud

To our Common Ground Community…We are very thankful for you!

As we approach this Thanksgiving holiday, we want to communicate 3 things to you!

  1. Our GRATITUDE for you! Watch video
  2. CEDCAS uniform drive. Watch video to learn more
  3. Help us spread thanks- do it in Spanish. Download the expressing gratitude Spanish vocabulary.

You are an incredible community of language learners, you inspire us!

We see your drive and motivation to improve your Spanish speaking ability. We hear your desire to have a greater impact in your communities. We know you set aside time to study Spanish so that you can better serve your populations you work with and we admire you!

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to help you along the way!

If you have traveled with us on our Spanish Immersion Programs…

You know we have the opportunity to collaborate with incredible organizations that work with marginalized populations in Latin America. One of those organizations is CEDCAS and they serve one of the largest shanty towns in Costa Rica called Guararí. They’ve asked us for some help this fall. Would you consider helping us raise money for their school uniform drive? 100 kids need school uniforms in order to attend the free public school in this shanty town. If kids in Costa Rica do not have a uniform they cannot go to school.

The average cost of a school uniform is $100 per year and the average income of these families in Guararí $400. You can help send a child to school by contributing to their uniform. And Common Ground International, will match your donations up to $4,000.

In Costa Rica, the academic school year ends in November. As they are getting ready to conclude their school year, let’s help send 100 kids to school next year!

We are collecting donations till Dec. 1st.

¿De qué estás agradecido/a?

how to express gratitude

Aprende cómo expresar la gratitud en español.

We have a Spanish challenge for you- Spread thanks en español!

They say that gratitude can change your outlook on life. It’s a skill and a discipline that is to be honed, practiced, and made a habit. It is easy to look around us and see what we don’t have and compare our lives to others. A slight perspective shift, focusing on gratitude can help us appreciate what we do have and return the kindness to others around us. 

Dicen que la gratitud puede cambiar tu perspectiva de la vida. Es una habilidad y una disciplina que hay que perfeccionar, practicar y convertir en un hábito. Es fácil mirar a nuestro alrededor, ver lo que no tenemos y comparar nuestras vidas con las de otros. Un ligero cambio de perspectiva enfocándonos en la gratitud puede ayudarnos a apreciar lo que sí tenemos y corresponder a la amabilidad de los otros a nuestro alrededor. 

We have created this gratitude vocabulary card for you to express your thanks in Spanish!

Go ahead and download the key vocabulary and verbs to express your thanks in Spanish. We challenge you to write a note to someone you are thankful for. 

how to express gratitude

Tag- you’re it. Te toca a tí!!!

En los comentarios, completa esta frase…”Estoy agradecido/a por…”

In the comments, complete this sentence…”I’m grateful for…”

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