How to talk about the 3 Ps of Hospital Nursing in Spanish

3 Ps of Hospital Nursing in Spanish

How to explain the 3 P's of Hospital Nursing in Spanish

This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on understanding the 3 Ps of Hospital Nursing in Spanish: Pain, Potty, and Position. These 3 Ps are the most common things a nurse has to talk about all the time with their patients.

Here is the 3 Ps of Hospital Nursing in Spanish lesson I taught to the Facebook group:

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Some vocabulary to remember:

  1. Pain: dolor, doler(le) as in me duele, le duele.
    • Doler: (v) to hurt
    • Dolor: (n) pain
  2. Potty: usar el baño.
    • Orinar: to urinate
    • Mover los intestinos, evacuar, hacer pupú/popó: to poop
  3. Position: posición
    • Mover a: moving to (a place)
    • Moverse: to shift your position and move around
    • Elevar: to elevate
    • Bajar: to lower

Introductions – Presentaciones

Remember the difference:

  • Presentar(se): to introduce yourself
  • Introducir: to put something inside something else.
Hola, Señor/Señora (apellido), soy (nombre) su enfermero/enfermera


  • Hoy
  • Esta noche
  • Esta mañana
  • Esta tarde
Hello Mr./Mrs., I am (name), and I’ll be your nurse


  • Today
  • Tonight
  • This morning
  • This afternoon
¿Cómo le puedo ayudar? How can I help you?
Cuando quiera


  • Levantarse
  • Salir de la cama
  • Cambiar de posición
  • Usar el baño

use el “botón de llamada”

When you want to


  • Get up
  • Get out of bed
  • Change your position
  • Use the bathroom

use the “call button”


¿Cómo se siente? How do you feel?
¿Tiene/siente dolor en este momento? Do you have/feel pain in this moment?
¿Cómo está el dolor esta mañana / tarde / noche? How is the pain this morning / afternoon / night?
¿Cuánto le duele en una escala de 0 – 10? How much does it hour on a scale of 0 to 10?
¿Toma/usa medicina para el dolor? Are you taking/using medicines for the pain?
¿La medicina ayuda/alivia el dolor?
¿La medicina está ayudando/aliviando el dolor?
Does the medicine help/relieve the pain?
Is the medicine helping/relieving the pain?


Cuando necesita usar el baño, favor de usar el botón de llamada para pedir ayuda.
Es muy importante para prevenir caídas.
When you need to use the bathroom, please use the call button to ask for help.
it is very important to prevent falls.
También necesito medir cuánto orina usted.
Favor de orinar en la bacineta / el orinal de cama / “el sombrero”
I also need to measure how much you’re urinating. Please urinate in the bedpan / urinal
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que movió los intestinos? When was the last time that you moved your bowels?
¿Cómo era el excremento – suave, duro, acuoso?
¿Tenía sangre en el excremento?
How was it: hard, soft, watery?
Did you have any blood in your stool?


¿Está cómodo? Are you confortable?
¿Quisiera/Necesita moverse? Would you like to move around?
¿Quisiera moverse al sillón? Would you like to move to the armchair?
¿Puedo ayudarle a


  • Cambiar de posición?
  • Levantar la cabeza?
  • Elevar la piernas?
Can I help you to


  • change position?
  • raise your head?
  • raise your feet?

Study the 3 P’s of hospital nursing in Spanish with these flashcards

I put together a vocabulary list and set of notes that includes this information in an easily downloadable .pdf – Get your copy for free today!

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2 thoughts on “3 Ps of Hospital Nursing in Spanish”

  1. 3 Ps of Hospital Nursing in Spanish: Pain, Potty, and Position, three new vocabulary terms I discovered today. I know that the patient is the number one priority, but the best approach to their care remains an eternal question, with answers continually sought. Wishing success to you and the healthcare team

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