This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on learning how to talk about the 9 less common causes of abdominal pain in Spanish: Las 9 causas menos comunes del dolor abdominal.
After a quick review of anatomy and symptoms in Spanish, you’ll learn how to discuss less common causes of abdominal pain in Spanish such as:
- Appendicitis in Spanish
- Kidney infections in Spanish
- Kidney stones in Spanish
- Hepatitis in Spanish
- Gallstones in Spanish
- Stomach cancer in Spanish
- Hernias in Spanish
- Ovarian Cysts in Spanish
- Ovarian torsion in Spanish
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In the past, we talked about the 16 common causes of abdominal pain, but now it’s time to review the 9 less common ones. First to all, we need to review the basic sign and symptoms of abdominal pain in Spanish.
Signos y síntomas básicos / Basic Signs and Symptoms
We need to define some basic signs and symptoms from the beginning, that way it will be easier for you to understand the history of the problem.
Dolor / Pain
There are different words to explain the level and kind of pain your patient is feeling. Take your time to learn the meaning each of them 🙂
Note: The word “al” means “upon” in this context, so every time you hear “al” and then a verb, it means upon doing that verb.
Síntomas / Symptoms
Again, learning these words is important to be able to provide a good diagnosis.
La historia y el examen físico / History and Physical Test
We talked about how to take the medical history and useful phrases for the physical exam in Spanish in older posts, but let’s do a quick review to these concepts and other some useful questions you can ask to your Latino patients:
Note: Remember you can find a full post about how to talk about pain in Spanish here 🙂
Less Common Causes / Causas menos comunes
Now it’s time to get down to business. Here is a short list with the less common causes of abdominal pain, the symptoms of each of them and the possible / available treatment depending on the severity of the illness.
Apendicitis / Appendicitis
Infección de riñones / Kidney infection
Cálculos renales / Kidney Stones
Es un virus que ataca las células del hígado. Hay varios tipos de hepatitis: ABCDE. / It is a virus that attacks the cells of the liver. There are several types of hepatitis: ABCDE.
Spanish | English |
Hepatitis A: Un virus que contraemos por comer comida contaminada. Muchas veces son mariscos | Hepatitis A: A virus that we contract by eating contaminated food. Many times they are seafood |
Hepatitis A: le podemos dar cuidados de apoyo para el dolor – no hay cura, el cuerpo puede eliminarlo por sí mismo | Hepatitis A: we can give you supportive care for pain – there is no cure, the body can eliminate it by itself |
Hepatitis B: Este virus es más serio. Se contrae de fluidos del cuerpo. Pueden ser fluidos sexuales y puede pasar de mamá a bebé | Hepatitis B: This virus is more serious. It contracts from body fluids. They can be sexual fluids and can change from mom to baby |
Hepatitis B: hay algunas medicinas que sirven más o menos para hacer al virus dormirse y para suprimirlo | Hepatitis B: there are some medicines that serve more or less to make the virus fall asleep and to suppress it |
Hepatitis C: Es un virus que se contrae por la sangre, normalmente es a través de las jeringas. | Hepatitis C: It is a virus that is contracted through the blood, usually through syringes. |
Hepatitis C: hay medicinas nuevas que pueden eliminar el virus pero usted tiene que abstenerse de drogas y alcohol por 6 meses antes de dárselos | Hepatitis C: there are new medicines that can eliminate the virus but you have to abstain from drugs and alcohol for 6 months before giving them |
Cálculos biliares / Gallstones
Cáncer del estómago / Stomach cancer
Spanish | English |
Es uno de los cánceres más comunes del mundo | It is one of the most common cancers in the world |
Se presenta con dolor de estómago, sentimiento que está lleno sin comer mucho, bajar de peso, sangre en el excremento y vomitar (con sangre) | It presents with stomach pain, a feeling of fullness without eating much, losing weight, blood in the stool and vomiting (with blood) |
Si es descubierto temprano, podemos hacerle una cirugía para quitar una parte del estómago | If it is discovered early, we can do surgery to remove part of the stomach |
También le podemos dar quimioterapia y cuidados de apoyo | We can also give you chemotherapy and supportive care |
La Hernia
Spanish | English |
Es un defecto o punto de debilidad de la pared abdominal | It is a defect or point of weakness of the abdominal wall |
A veces es problemático y sintomático cuando los intestinos pasan por la hernia – los intestinos están apretados lo que causa que la sangre no puede circular por los intestinos. | Sometimes it is problematic and symptomatic when the intestines go through the hernia – the intestines are tight which causes the blood can not circulate through the intestines. |
Hay 2 soluciones:
| There are 2 solutions:
Quistes en el ovario / Ovarian cysts
Spanish | English |
Los quistes son sacos de fluido o sangre cerca del ovario. Pasa con frecuencia con ovulación cuando el óvulo sale del ovario. | Cysts are sacs of fluid or blood near the ovary. It frequently happens with ovulation when the ovum leaves the ovary. |
Los quistes pueden romperse y por eso hay que hacer ultrasonido para ver si se han roto. También es posible una cirugía laparoscópica para quitar el quiste | The cysts can break and that’s why you have to do ultrasound to see if they have broken. Laparoscopic surgery is also possible to remove the cyst |
Torsión del ovario / Ovarian Torsion
Now is your turn! ¡Ahora te toca a ti!
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