Discussing Contraception Options in Spanish

Discussing Contraception Options in Spanish

Contraception in Spanish

When you talk about contraception in Spanish, you generally cover a handful of subtopics: cost, effectiveness, any STI protections, OTC vs prescriptions, etc.

So in this free medical Spanish lesson, you will learn how to discuss various aspects of contraception, including:

  1. Efficacy of preventing pregnancies
  2. How long a particular method lasts and/or how long you use it
  3. If it helps alleviate / lighten menstrual periods
  4. Whether or not it prevents spread of STIs
  5. If it requires a prescription
  6. If it requires a provider or nurse to get or place
  7. If it includes hormones
  8. The cost

Here is the Contraception Options in Spanish lesson that I taught on YouTube and to our Facebook group:

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Opciones de Contracepción – Contraception Options

Talking about contraception options in Spanish requires you to manage a bunch of specific vocabulary to address your patient’s needs and concerns, specially when some people are talking about a possible “Corona baby-boom”, so you need to be ready to have this conversation 🙂

Credits: Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition

Vocabulario de Contracepción – Contraception Vocabulary

Let’s get started with some useful vocabulary you may use when explaining the available contraception options in Spanish.

La abstinenciaAbstinence
El anillo vaginalVaginal ring
El condónCondom
El condón internoInternal condom
El capuchón cervicalCervical cap
El DIU (Dispositivo interuterino)IUD
El diafragmaDiaphragm
La espermicidaSpermicide
La esponjaSponge
El implanteImplant
La inyecciónInjection
El parchePatch
La píldora (pastilla)Pill

For some of them you can add the adjective “anticonceptivo/a” to specify their function.


  • El implante anticonceptivo.
  • La píldora anticonceptiva.

Verbos de Contracepción – Contraception Related Verbs

There are some verbos you can use when talking about métodos anticonceptivos (contraceptive options).

CambiarTo change
ColocarTo put / place
Contagiarse infecciónTo get (infection)
Costar (o-ue)To cost
Durar tiempoTo last (time)
EvitarTo avoid
InsertarTo insert
Liberar hormonasTo release hormones
PonerTo put / place
Prevenir (e-ie)To prevent
Protegerle contraTo protect you against
Recordar (o-ue)To remember
Requerir (e-ie) una citaTo require an appointment
Retirar / QuitarTo take out
Tomar la píldoraTo take the pill
Usar por tiempoTo use for amt (time)
Usar # vecesTo use # times


  • Necesita tomar la píldora todos los días.
  • Recuerde protegerse contra las ITS y ETS usando condón.
  • El implante dura hasta cinco años.

Temas importantes de contracepción -Important Contraceptive Topics

When talking about contraception options with your patients, you might address some topics such as: efficacy, duration, side effects, cost, etc.

In this specific part of the lesson, we are going to talk about two main contraception options in Spanish, but feel free to share your own examples in the comments below 🙂

1. Condones – Condoms

Credits: Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition 

Usar condones ayuda a prevenir los embarazos y las enfermedades (infecciones) de transmisión sexual. Puede usar condones cada vez que tiene sexo vaginal, anal u oral para protegerse contra las ETS.

Using condoms helps prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (infections). You can use condoms every time you have vaginal, anal, or oral sex to protect against STDs.

También los condones son eficaces en prevenir el embarazo. Son entre 85% y 98% efectivos (dependiendo del uso correcto) en evitar embarazos.

Condoms are also effective in preventing pregnancy. They are between 85% and 98% effective (depending on correct use) in preventing pregnancy.

Los condones son económicos y los puede comprar sin restricción ninguna.

Condoms are economic and you can buy them without any restrictions.

2. El implante anticonceptivo – Contraceptive Implant

Credits: Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition 

El implante anticonceptivo es una pequeña varilla que un médico o una enfermera necesita poner en el brazo. Libera hormonas en el cuerpo que previenen el embarazo por hasta 5 años.

The contraceptive implant is a small bar that a doctor or nurse needs to put in your arm. It releases hormones into the body that prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years.

El costo del implante varía dependiendo de su seguro. Puede costar hasta $1.300 y requiere una cita en su centro de salud.

The cost of the implant varies depending on your insurance. It can cost up to $1,300 and requires an appointment at your health center.

El implante es muy eficaz en prevenir el embarazo. Es el 99% efectivo en prevenir embarazos. Y también ayuda tener períodos menstruales más ligeros. Pero, el implante no protege contra las ETS / ITS. Necesita usar condones para protegerse contra ETS / ITS.

The implant is very effective in preventing pregnancy. It is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. And it also helps to have lighter periods. But, the implant does not protect against STIs/STDs. You need to use condoms to protect against STIs/STDs.

Un comentario – A comment

Selecciona un método anticonceptivo abajo y descríbelo un poquito siguiendo el modelo de los ejemplos / Select any of these contraception options below and describe it a little bit in Spanish following the model of the examples:

  • La abstinencia
  • El anillo vaginal
  • El condón
  • El condón interno
  • El capuchón cervical
  • El DIU (Dispositivo inter-uterino)
  • El diafragma
  • La espermicida
  • La esponja
  • El implante
  • La inyección
  • El parche
  • La píldora (pastilla)

Our CGI team will keep an eye on your comments to help you if needed!

Lecciones relacionadas – Related Lessons

Su tarea – Your Homework

  1. Review the notes & vocabulary
  2. Identify additional points and topics to discuss with patients
    • Let me know if you need help 🙂
  3. Remember to keep it simple if you need to
  4. Ask for help in the comments below
  5. Give it a try with your patients!

Now it’s your turn! I packaged all of this vocabulary in Spanish into some flashcards for you to study.

I packaged all of this into easily downloadable .pdf notes–Get your copy for free today!

Keep up the good work speaking responsible Spanish to your patients! Check out our other books, classes & products to help you learn medical Spanish!

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Thinking About Immersion?

If you think you are ready to take the plunge with your Spanish, we would love the opportunity to work with you in Ecuador or Costa Rica during our immersion programs ?

Other posts in this women’s health series:

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