How to Explain Safe Sleep Recommendations in Spanish

How to Explain Safe Sleep Recommendations in Spanish: back to sleep and belly to play.

Safe sleep for babies in Spanish

Do you ever have to educate new parents about safe sleep recommendations? We all know that the “back to sleep & belly to play” campaign has had a great effect on reducing the incidence of SIDS in babies… but how do you explain it in Spanish?

In today’s lesson you’re going to learn all the vocabulary and phrasing you need to:

  • Explain back to sleep and belly to play
  • Describe a safe crib
  • Teach where to put babies to bed
  • Teach how to put babies to bed

Here is this week’s medical Spanish lesson to give you safe sleep recommendations in Spanish.

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Vocabulario básico – Basic Vocabulary

Muebles / Furniture



La cunaCrib
El colchónMattress

El moisés

El sofáSofa
 El sillónCouch
La camaBed

Ropa de cama / cuna común – Bedding:








FItted sheets

Protectores para colchones

Mattress protectors

Protectores para cuna (chichoneras)

Crib bumpers


bed sheets

Verbos / Acciones – Verbs / Actions:

Verbos / AccionesVerbs / Acciones
Acostar (lo – la): Boca arriba Lying him / her on his / her back
Dormir juntos vs. dormir separados Sleep together vs. Sleep separately
Dormir seguro Sleep safe
Evitar / Prevenir:
  • Muerte de cuna
  • Síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante
To avoid / prevent:
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Otro VocabularioOther Vocabulary
Boca abajo para jugar Mouth down to play
Boca arriba para dormir On their back to sleep
Pijamas térmicas / para invierno Thermal / Winter pijamas

Sugerencias – Suggestions

¿Dónde dormir?Where to Sleep 
Es importante acostar a su bebé en su cuna o moisés It is important to put your baby in his / her crib or bassinet
No debe acostarlo en su cama, en el sofá ni en el sillón You shouldn’t put him / her down on your bed, sofa or arm chair
El riesgo de muerte súbita del lactante es cinco (5) veces más alto cuando se acuestan en superficies suaves (según AAP) The risk of SIDS if 5 times higher when you put your baby to sleep on soft surfaces (according to AAP)
 El colchón del bebé tiene que ser firme The baby’s mattress needs to be firm
No cubra el colchón con cositas más suaves (cobijas, almohadas, etc.) Don’t cover the mattress with softer things (blankets, pillows, etc.)
¿Cómo acostarlo?How to put him / her to sleep?
Es muy importante acostar a su bebé boca arriba It’s important to put your baby down on his / her back
Su cuna debe estar vacía The crib should be empty
Solamente hay que poner el colchón con su cubrecolchón y su bebéYou only need to have the mattress with its fitted sheet and your baby
Si le preocupa que tenga frío, póngale pijamas térmicas / pijamas para invierno If you are concerned he / she would be cold, put on some thermal pijamas / winter pijamas
No debe usar: almohadas, cobijas, protectores para cuna, etc. You should not use: pillows, blankets, bumpers, etc.

Now it’s your turn! I packaged all of this vocabulary in Spanish into some flashcards for you to study.

Safe Sleep Recommendations in Spanish Quiz

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2 thoughts on “How to Explain Safe Sleep Recommendations in Spanish: back to sleep and belly to play.”

  1. Hola Rory,
    This short lesson about safe sleep is very important to me being a NICU nurse. Keep up the good work. I’d also like for you to do a lesson on how to give basic breastfeeding instructions.

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