Summer '17 Spanish Immersion in Nicaragua and Costa Rica Begins!

Summer ’17 Spanish Immersion in Nicaragua and Costa Rica Begins!

Summer Spanish Immersion Programs in Nicaragua & Costa Rica

Summer Spanish Immersion Programs in Nicaragua & Costa Rica Begin!

Students and professionals from all over the United States begin their Spanish language immersion program with Common Ground International over the weekend. High school Spanish immersion students flew to San José Costa Rica and Medical Spanish immersion participants, Teachers Spanish Immersion participants & Adult Spanish immersion participants flew directly into Managua Nicaragua.

The high school immersion students only had minor delays in their flights into Costa Rica, but the adults (medical, educators and general learners) had a bit of a bumpy start. Some flights were delayed through Houston because of weather, others were interrupted by mechanical problems, and some simply chose to travel on brutal multi-day itineraries to save some $ :).

All the adults finally made it, some after midnight, others with some last minute hotel shenanigans, but everyone safe and happy for our orientation day on Sunday.

Summer Spanish Immersion begins
Shuttling from the Managua airport to Granada

The interesting thing about airports in Central America (and other places around the world) is that going through immigration and customs seems pretty familiar. You have to show your passport, collect your bags, go through some additional screening with your bags – it all seems pretty similar. However, as soon as you exit the airport you feel like it’s a full frontal assault with taxistas & tour operators barraging you with offers to take you here, shuttle you there, help you with your bags (for a tip of course) – it’s quite stressful if you haven’t experienced it before.

Thankfully, on the Common Ground Spanish Immersion programs, you don’t have to do it alone! First of all, we prepare you extensively before you go so that you arrive in country knowing what the plan is and what you need to do every step of the way. Additionally, we have our crew waiting for you at the airport with signs, so you know exactly where to go and who to meet!

Granada - Rory's favorite haircut spot small
Rory’s favorite barber shop in Granada. He usually times his haircuts so that he arrives to Nicaragua as a hairy beast so that he has to go visit his friends for a haircut. If you’re looking for a fun experience, you can get yours cut as well for a little less than $4.00!


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