Speedy Spanish for Fire & EMS Personnel


Speedy Spanish for Fire and EMS Personnel is a ready aid for fire and EMS personnel to utilize when interacting with Spanish speaking patients and bystanders.

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Speedy Spanish for Fire and EMS Personnel is a ready aid for fire and EMS personnel to utilize when interacting with Spanish speaking patients and bystanders.

In emergency situations stress and anxiety run high, which makes communication with those involved all the more important. Speedy Spanish for Fire and EMS Personnel is an excellent tool to help you learn the vocabulary and phrases you need to communicate with patients and bystanders. This handy phrasebook includes important medical Spanish vocabulary on topics such as understanding the caller, basic medical exam, burns, overdose, transport, and fire inspection. Pocket size with a unique tab index and phonetic translations, it is easy to use on the job- a resource that every engine and ambulance should carry.

Small enough to fit in a pocket, clip board or glove compartment, carry Speedy Spanish for Fire and EMS Personnel with you where every you go. Be prepared for those in-the-moment translations situations or pull it out to study over your lunch break. Speedy Spanish for Fire and EMS Personnel is made of thick plastic paper and comes with a clear vinyl cover, making it very durable. Easy to use and carry on the job, Speedy Spanish for Fire and EMS Personnel is a vital resource for all firefighters and first responders.

Each word or phrase comes with a phonetic Spanish translation guides. For example:

This area is for emergency personnel only.

Esta área es sólo para personal de emergencia.

ehs-tah ah-reh-ah ehs soh-loh pah-rah pehr-soh-nahl deh eh-mehr-hehn-s ‘yah

Table of Contents:

  • Basic Phrases
  • Small Talk/ Dispatch
  • Numbers/ Days and Months
  • Basic Medical Exam/ Abdominal Disorders
  • Allergies/ Anaphylaxis- Breathing Problems
  • Burns/ Chest Pain
  • Diabetes/ Neurological Disorders
  • OB Emergencies/ Overdose- Poisoning
  • Transport/ Trauma/ Extrication
  • Fire Inspection/ Injection and I.V.
  • Crowd Control
  • Anatomical Terms


Title: Speedy Spanish for Fire and EMS Personnel

Publisher: Baja Books

ISBN: 9781882196067

Pages: 24

Size: 5.5″x3.5″

Additional information

Weight 1.6 oz
Dimensions 6 × 4 × .06 in


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