Speedy Spanish for Nursing Personnel


Speedy Spanish for Nursing Personnel is a user-friendly resource for nursing personnel to utilize when interacting with Spanish speaking patients. Check out more great Medical Spanish resources here

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Speedy Spanish for Nursing Personnel is a user-friendly resource for nursing personnel to utilize when interacting with Spanish speaking patients.

Speedy Spanish for Nursing Personnel is a pocket size phrasebook with a unique tab index that gives fingertip access to all the phrases needed to bridge the English-Spanish communication gap in medical care. Speedy Spanish for Nursing Personnel includes important medical Spanish phrases and vocabulary that nurses require in every day communication with patients. Topics include patient complaints, patient orientation, basic examination, medications, surgical preparation, and hygiene. An affordable and portable resource, Speedy Spanish for Medical Personnel will help you expand your medical Spanish vocabulary and communicate better with your Spanish-speaking patients so you can provide the best possible care.

Small enough to fit in a pocket or clip board, carry Speedy Spanish for Nursing Personnel with you where every you go. Be prepared for those in-the-moment translations situations or pull it out to study over your lunch break. Speedy Spanish for Nursing Personnel is made of thick plastic paper and comes with a clear vinyl cover, making it very durable. Easy to use and carry on the job, Speedy Spanish for Nursing Personnel is a vital resource for nurses.

Each word or phrase comes with a phonetic Spanish translation guides. For example:

We need a blood sample/ urine sample/ stool sample.

Necesitamos una muestra de la sangre/ orina/ del excremento.

neh-seh-see-tah-mohs oo-nah mwehs-trah deh lah sahn-greh/ oh-ree-nah/ dehl ehks-kreh-mehn-toh

Table of Contents:

  • Basic Phrases
  • Small Talk/ Appointments
  • Patient Info/ Taking Vitals
  • Numbers/ Days and Months
  • Patient complaints
  • Patient Orientation
  • Basic Exam/ History
  • Medications/ Injections and I.V.
  • Surgical Preparation
  • Post Op/ Recovery
  • Elimination
  • Hygiene/ Labor and Delivery
  • Instructions
  • Anatomical Terms


Speedy Spanish for Nursing Personnel serves as a recommended supplemental study resource for any Medical Spanish course.

Title: Speedy Spanish for Nursing Personnel

Publisher: Baja Books

ISBN: 9780961582944

Pages: 24

Size: 5.5″x3.5″

Additional information

Weight 1.6 oz
Dimensions 5.5 × 3.5 × .06 in


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