Congratulations, you are taking a Costa Rica Vacation! The next step is is figure out the “must-see” places! We’ve got you covered…
Costa Rica is known for being a safe, family friendly place to travel. And it is full of hot spots and must see places. In fact, we have yet to hit all the places we want to as a family despite yearly visits for over a decade. However, if you have booked your airline tickets and are wondering what to do and where to go, from one parent to another, I have some great family friendly destinations for you in this Adventure Itinerary!
Traveling to Costa Rica for our family is like commuting to work. When our first son was born, we did something courageous; we got him a passport. Costa Rica is a BIG part of our lives. Part of our business is in Costa Rica and we have continued to travel with our growing family for over a decade. We have done it with kids in utero, in diapers, nursing, crawling, sick, laughing, in tears, and all of combinations imaginable. We have done it through the early childhood years and beyond. When people say they are going to Costa Rica, I can’t help but smile and want to share all the great places we have visited as a family.
Daniel –
Amazing resource for a family adventure!! Our family had a great time and this was key to hitting all the right spots! Real world information from people who have spent lots of time in country. Can’t go wrong with this information.