Learn how to talk through the 5 2 1 0 diet in Spanish

5 2 1 0 Diet in Spanish

Anticipatory Guidance for Weight Loss and Weight Management in Spanish - 5 2 1 0 diet

The 5 2 1 0 diet summarizes guidelines for quantities of fruits and vegetables and the amounts of screen time, physical activity and sugary drinks that are recommended for a healthy diet.

This is lesson 1 in our Diet & Exercise series. In this medical Spanish lesson, you’ll learn how to talk through the 5 2 1 0 diet in Spanish and give specific suggestions for each recommendation.

Vocabulario útil de la lección:


Creative activities: las actividades creativas

Do a puzzle: hacer/armar un rompecabezas

Family activity: la actividad familiar

Go on a hike: hacer una caminata

Go to the library: ir a la biblioteca

Jump rope: brincar / saltar la cuerda

Physical activity: la actividad física

Play board games: jugar a juegos de mesa

Play Frisbee: jugar al Frisbee

Play tag: jugar a corretearse

Read a book: leer un libro

Ride a bike: montar en bicicleta

Take the kids to the park: llevar a los niños al parque

Video games: los videojuegos

Walk together: caminar juntos

Watch tv: ver la tele “vea”

Comidas y bebidas:

Calories: las calorías

Chopped: picado(a)

Cup: la taza

Drinks: las bebidas

Fresh: fresco(a)

Fruits: las frutas

Juices: los jugos

Leafy greens: los vegetales de hoja verde

Palm of your hand: la palma de la mano

Raw: crudo(a)

Serving: la porción

Snacks: las meriendas

Sodas: los refrescos

Sports drinks: las bebidas para deportistas

Sugary drinks: las bebidas azucaradas

Vegetables: las verduras, los vegetales


Add: agregar “agregue”

Dance: bailar “baile”

Eat: comer “coma”

Engage, participate: participar “participe”

Jog: trotar “trote”

Limit: limitar “limite”

Maintain a healthy weight: mantener “mantenga” un peso saludable

Play a sport: jugar “juegue” un deporte

Play: jugar “juegue”

Play with your pet: jugar “juegue” con su mascota

Prepare: preparar “prepare”

Run: correr “corra”

Take the stairs: use la escaleras

Turn on music: poner “ponga” la música

Walk: caminar “camine”

Estudie el vocabulario con esta actividad Quizlet:

Para conversar con su compañero:

Step 1: brainstorm 

  1. The names of some great example foods
  2. The names of activities that can replace screen time and include physical activity

Step 2: Practice explaining the 5-2-1-0 diet to your partner.

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Other posts in this Diet & Exercise series:

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