This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on looking at the anxiety and embarrassment that male latino patients have when they are coming into the clinic and their provider is a woman.
Here are some things you can keep in mind when working with male patients.
Here is the Women Providers Working with Male Latino Patients lesson I taught to the Facebook group:
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We asked Dr. Fish, who is a Health Clinic Director in Denver, Colorado and is married to a Latino man, about some personal insights about how to deal with these situations and here are her top suggestions:
1. Be calm: If you’re anxious or insecure you’ll not garner much respect from your patient.
2. Start with some open-ended questions:
3. Normalize: normalize as much as possible the symptoms, fears and feelings the patient is feeling.
Karen’s Perspective
Culturalmente hablando, a los latinos no nos gusta mucho ir al médico. Casi siempre, ir al médico va a ser la última opción de la lista, la cual empieza con:
- Buscar en Internet causas y remedios
- Preguntar a un familiar (padres, hermanos, etc.)
- Preguntar a los amigos o a la pareja
- Probar remedios caseros
- Preguntar al farmaceuta
(o farmacéutico
- Ir finalmente al médico
Tenga paciencia cuando su paciente latino le explique que lleva cierto tiempo teniendo los síntomas, permanezca calmado y muestre entendimiento. No somos de ir al médico pero sí nos gusta estar sanos, así que seguiremos el tratamiento al pie de la letra* si nos hace sentir tranquilos 🙂
*Seguir al pie de la letra : Carefully follow the instructions or indications received.
Now it’s your turn! I packaged all of this vocabulary in Spanish into some flashcards for you to study.
I put together a vocabulary list and set of notes that includes this information in an easily downloadable .pdf – Get your copy for free today!
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