Mental Health lessons to discuss Anxiety in Spanish

Discussing Anxiety in Spanish

Anxiety & Depression in Spanish

This is Lesson 2 of 5 in our Mental Health in Spanish series.

In this free Medical Spanish lesson, you will learn how to talk about anxiety in Spanish with your patients: Hablar sobre la ansiedad.

In this lesson about discussing anxiety in Spanish we’re looking at:

  • Tipos de ansiedad / Types of anxiety
  • Síntomas de la ansiedad y vocabulario relacionado / Symptoms of anxiety and related vocabulary
  • Unas preguntas sobre síntomas / A few questions about symptoms
  • Diagnóstico / Diagnosis
  • Causas de la ansiedad / Causes of anxiety
  • Fobias / Phobias
  • Medicamentos / Medicines
  • Terapias / Therapies
  • Prácticas diarias para reducir el estrés / Daily practices to reduce stress
  • Acrónimos para enfocar la atención y aliviar ansiedad / Acronyms to focus attention and relieve anxiety

Here is the Discussing Anxiety in Spanish lesson that I taught on YouTube and to our Facebook group:

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Tipos de ansiedad – Types of Anxiety

Let’s start the lesson by talking about the different types of anxiety a patient may experience:

  • Ansiedad por una condición médica / Anxiety due to a medical condition
  • Ansiedad por separación / Anxiety due to a separation
  • Ansiedad por sustancias / Substance anxiety
  • Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada / Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Trastorno de pánico / panic disorder
  • Fobias (agorafobia, fobia social, otras) / Phobias (agoraphobia, social phobia, others)

Síntomas de la ansiedad – Symptoms of Anxiety

Ansiedad / Ansios@Anxiety / Anxious
Nervios / nervios@Nerves / nervous
Palpitaciones / frecuencia cardíaca elevadaPalpitations / elevated heart rate
Problemas gastrointestinalesGastrointestinal troubles
Respiraciones rápidasFast breathing
Sentirse inquiet@Feeling restless
Triste / TristezaSad / Sadness
Dificultad para:Difficulty (doing something):
• Controlar las preocupaciones• Controlling your concerns
• Concentrarse• Concentrating
• Pensar en otras cosas• Thinking about other things
• Dormir / dormirse• Sleeping

Otro Vocabulario relacionado con la ansiedad en español – Other related vocabulary with anxiety in Spanish


  • Comportarse / Portarse – To behave
  • Desaparecer – To disappear
  • Evitar situaciones – To avoid situations
  • Interferir (e-ie) – To interfere
  • Padecer – To suffer
  • Preocuparse – To worry
  • Sentirse (e-ie) – To feel
  • Tratar – To treat / To try


  • Estado de ánimo – Mood
  • Demasiado / Excesivo – Too much /Excessive
  • Medicamento – Medication
  • Pensamientos – Thoughts
  • Preocupaciones – Concerns, worries
  • Psicoterapia – Psychotherapy
  • Trastorno – Disorder
  • Tratamiento – Treatment

Unas preguntas sobre síntomas… A Few Questions About Symptoms

  • ¿Tiene sentimientos persistentes de tristeza, ansiedad o vacío? / Do you have persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or emptiness?
  • ¿Se preocupa demasiado de: la salud, el trabajo, interacciones sociales, y la vida rutinaria? / Are you worrying too much about: your health, work, social interactions, and routine life?
  • ¿Ha notado sentimientos de irritabilidad o inquietud? / Have you noticed feelings of irritability or restlessness?
  • ¿Tiene fatiga y falta de energía? / Do you have fatigue and lack of energy?
  • ¿Ha notado una dificultad para concentrarse, recordar detalles, tomar decisiones? / Have you noticed difficulty concentrating, remembering details, making decisions?
  • ¿Siente tensión muscular? / Do you feel muscular tension?
  • ¿Tiene dificultad para controlar sus preocupaciones? / Do you have difficulty controlling your concerns?
  • ¿Le cuesta dormirse, dormir durante toda la noche y sueño insuficiente? / Is it difficult fall sleep, sleep all night long, and insufficient sleep?

Diagnóstico – Diagnosis

Credits: Nik Shuliahin

1. Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada – Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Cuando tiene preocupaciones o ansiedad la mayoría de los días por más de 6 meses. Este miedo le causa problemas en su vida social, trabajo, familia, etc.
When you have concerns or anxiety most days for more than 6 months. This fear causes you problems in your social life, work, family, etc.

2. Ataques de Pánico – Panic Attacks

Cuando tiene ataques de pánico recurrentes y repentinos. Son momentos inesperados de miedo intenso. Pueden ser provocados por situaciones u objetos temidos.
When you have recurring and sudden panic attacks. They are unexpected moments of intense fear. They may be caused by feared situations and objects.

3. Ansiedad por… – Anxiety due to…

  • Condiciones médicas: Ansiedad o pánico intenso causado por una condición médica.
  • Separación: Ansiedad en los niños (excesiva para su edad y desarrollo) al separarse de sus padres o tutores.
  • Sustancias: Cuando el abuso de sustancias (tóxicas), medicamentos, o la abstinencia de las sustancias causa ansiedad o pánico intenso.
  • Medical conditions: Anxiety or intense panic due to a medical condition
  • Separation: Anxiety in children (excessive for their age and development) caused by separating them from their parents or guardians.
  • Substances: When the abuse of (toxic) substances, medications, or withdrawal of substances causes anxiety or intense panic.

¡Gracias POR compartir su aventura de español conmigo!

Now it’s your turn! I packaged all of this vocabulary in Spanish into some flashcards for you to study.

Su tarea – Your Homework

  1. Review the notes & vocabulary
  2. Identify additional points and topics to discuss with patients
    • Let me know if you need help 🙂
  3. Remember to keep it simple if you need to
  4. Ask for help in the comments below
  5. Give it a try with your patients!

Keep up the good work speaking responsible Spanish to your patients! Check out our other books, classes & products to help you learn medical Spanish!

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We want to know…Comment below–>What are your thoughts about this topic. Let us know in English or Spanish in the comment section below!

Other posts in this Mental Health series:

2 thoughts on “Discussing Anxiety in Spanish”

  1. Anger Management in Spanish. I work with probation clients and anger management appears to be a theme and there are not a lot of Spanish Resources on Anger Management.

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