Intercambio FAQ's - Preguntas Frecuentes

Intercambio FAQ’s – Preguntas Frecuentes

Frequently Asked Question – Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Tendré el mismo compañero de conversación todo el tiempo o puedo conversar con varios compañeros? Do I have to have the same conversational partner the whole time or can I set up meetings with a variety of partners?

– Puedes tener diferentes compañeros de conversación. Entendemos que puede tomarte algún tiempo encontrar el compañero indicado, así como que puede haber varios “compañeros indicados”. No estarás limitado a tener solo un compañero de intercambio
You may have different conversation partners. We understand that it might take a few times to find a right fit. And there may be several “right fits”. You are not limited to 1 exchange partner.

Hay algún límite sobre las veces por semana o por mes que puedo programar una conversación? Is there a limit to how many times per week or month I can set up a conversation?

– No, lo más importante a considerar es la consistencia y la sostenibilidad. ¿A qué tipo de horario puedes comprometerte por un período largo de tiempo para poder ver tu crecimiento máximo del idioma?
No, the most important thing to consider is consistency and sustainability. What type of schedule can you commit to for a long period of time to see the maximum language growth? 

Puedes explicar como funcionan las horas de oficina en los jueves? Recibiré lecciones privadas en adición a las conversaciones que programo? Can you explain how Thursday office hours are going to work? Will I get one-on-one lessons with a teacher in addition to the conversational practice I have with a language partner?

– Las horas de oficina son para las preguntas que tienes en cuanto al tema de la semana. No es instrucción privada.  Necesitas descargar la aplicación de Zoom.
The office hours are drop in Q&A & Practice of the week’s themes – it’s not 1:1 instruction. Please download the Zoom app to join.

¿Necesito comprar alguna tecnología especial para conversar con mi compañero de idiomas? Do I need to buy any special technology to converse with my language partner?

– No, usarás alguna (o ambas) de estas apps gratuitas de conversación: Skype o WhatsApp.
No, you will either use one or both of these FREE communication apps: Skype or WhatsApp.

¿Cómo se programan las conversaciones con el compañero? How do you schedule conversation with your partner?

– En tu perfil, puedes seleccionar tu disponibilidad y también puedes buscar un compañero con la misma disponibilidad que tú. ¡La clave es ser consistente en el tiempo!
In your profile you will select your availability and you will look for a conversation partner that has the same availability as you. The key is consistency over time!

¿Cómo soy emparejado con un compañero? No me gustaría ser emparejado con alguien con un nivel mucho más bajo o mucho más alto que el mío. How am I matched with a partner? I would not want to be matched with someone who is a lot lower in level or a lot higher?

– Si estás listo practicar con un nativo del inglés – su nivel obviamente será más alto que el tuyo :). Pero si te gustaría empezar con otro aprendiz del inglés en vez de un nativo, puedes. Cuando creas tu perfil, se te pedirá que incluyas tu nivel. Luego podrás encontrar un compañero de conversación que tenga un mismo nivel que tú.
When you build your profile, you will be asked to self-rate your level. You will want to find a conversational partner that has a similar level.

¿Qué pasa si quiero practicar sobre temas específicos? Por ejemplo: soy un profesor y quiero practicar una conversación sobre modificaciones de conducta en el aula. ¿Tendré esa oportunidad? What if I want to practice specific topics; for example, I’m a teacher and I want to practice talking about behavior modifications in the classroom. Will I have that opportunity?

– ¡SÍ! Cuando creas tu perfil, puedes añadir tu profesión y buscar compañeros de conversación con la misma profesión para practicar estas conversaciones.
YES!  When you build your profile you will be able to list your profession and you can look for an exchange partner with that same profession to practice there conversations.

¿Tendré el mismo compañero de conversación todo el tiempo o puedo conversar con varios compañeros? Do I have to have the same conversational partner the whole time or can I set up meetings with a variety of partners?

– Puedes tener diferentes compañeros de conversación. Entendemos que puede tomarte algún tiempo encontrar el compañero indicado, así como que puede haber varios “compañeros indicados”. No estarás limitado a tener solo un compañero de intercambio.
You may have different conversation partners. We understand that it might take a few times to find a right fit. And there may be several “right fits”. You are not limited to 1 exchange partner. 

¿Hay algún límite sobre las veces por semana o por mes que puedo programar una conversación? Is there a limit to how many times per week or month I can set up a conversation?

– No, lo más importante a considerar es la consistencia y la sostenibilidad. ¿A qué tipo de horario puedes comprometerte por un período largo de tiempo para poder ver tu crecimiento máximo del idioma?
No, the most important thing to consider is consistency and sustainability. What type of schedule can you commit to for a long period of time to see the maximum language growth?

¿Cómo sabré que la persona que está aprendiendo español, así como yo estoy aprendiendo inglés, va a poder de ayudarme de manera efectiva con mis errores si puede que no sea capaz de comunicar esto en español? How can we know the person that is learning English like we are learning Spanish will be able to effectively assist with my errors when they may not be able to communicate this in English?

– Es importante que sepas que no se espera que los miembros enseñen el idioma a su compañero. Es una práctica conversacional con otra persona. Algunos compañeros, dependiendo de su nivel del idioma y experiencia pueden naturalmente ofrecer más correcciones, mientras que otros no. Los instructores de idiomas no estarán en vivo con los participantes en la conversación, pero puedes anotar tus dudas y asistir a la sesión en vivo semanal para que tus preguntas sean respondidas y estés preparada para la siguiente conversación. Y por supuesto, siempre puedes enviarnos un email.
It’s important to know that members are not expected to teach the language to the parter. It is practice speaking with one another. Some partners, depending on their lang. level and experience may naturally be able to provide more corrections, and others will not be able to. This is precisely why we have expert language coaches to help you navigate the questions and improve your communication. The lang. coaches  will not be live with you in your conversations, but you can jot down your doubts and attend weekly office hours to get your questions answered so you are ready for next time. And of course you can always chat or email us.

Me gustaría saber si hay alguna flexibilidad con los días de la semana para la conversación. Conozco mi horario una vez al mes, entonces podría planificar pero no tengo un día libre fijo. I’m wondering if there is some flexibility with the days of the week for conversation? I know my schedule one month at a time so could plan that way but I never have a set day off.

– SÍ, hay flexibilidad. Una vez que las inscripciones cierren el 1 de mayo, podrás crear tu perfil y seleccionar tu disponibilidad. Puedes cambiar tu disponibilidad una vez por semana. Basándote en eso, podrás ver quién está disponible durante tus horarios libres.
YES, there is flexibility. Once enrollment closes on May 1st, you will build your profile and select when you are available. You can change your availability in your profile on a week-by-week basis. Based off of that, you will be able to see who is available to you during your time frames.

Por favor indique cuánto dura el intercambio (cantidad de horas por vez) y cuántas veces a la semana se lleva a cabo, ¿O nosotros manejamos eso? Please advise how long the exchange is for (hours at a time) and how many times a week, or do we manage that?

– Les recomendamos a los participantes que se reúnan al menos una vez a la semana. La cantidad de tiempo que pasas en reunión con tu compañero depende de ustedes y puede variar cada semana. Creemos que es más importante tener un horario que sea consistente y sostenible por un período largo de tiempo. Les daremos consejos a los miembros sobre cómo programarse para lograr una máxima exposición, sostenibilidad y estilo de vida.
– We recommend you meet at least once a week. The amount of time you meet with your partner is up to you and it can vary week by week. We think it’s most important to set up a schedule that is consistent and sustainable for you over a long period of time. We’ll instruct members with tips about scheduling to maximize exposure, sustainability and lifestyle:).

Soy un/a enfermero/a cuyo horario cambia semanalmente. Me pregunto si hay alguna flexibilidad con los días de la semana para la conversación. I’m a nurse with a schedule that changes week to week. I’m wondering if there is some flexibility with the days of the week for conversation?

– No estás solo/a. Hay otros trabajadores de la saludad que tienen horarios rotativos semanales en el grupo. Hay flexibilidad para que establezcas tu horario cada semana. Si te cuesta encontrar un compañero de conversación de acuerdo a tus horarios, haremos todo lo posible para ayudarte con ello.
You are not alone. There are other healthcare workers with shifting schedules week by week in the group. There is the flexibility to set your schedule week by week. If you are having a hard time finding a conversation partner based off your schedule we will do all we can to help you.

Me perdí la primera semana de Intercambio. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para ponerme al día? I missed the first week of getting started in Intercambio. What do I need to do to catch up?

No hay problema. Nuevos participantes se estarán uniendo cada semana. Aquí te listamos lo que necesitas para empezar:
1. Completa todos los pasos de la página de Inicio Rápido (Quick Start) para familiarizarte con Intercambio y aprender cómo encontrar un compañero de conversación. 
2. Completa tu perfil.
3. Busca un/a compañero/a de conversación.

Not a problem! New people will be joining each week. Here is what you need to do to get set-up:
1. Complete all the steps on the Quick Start page to get familiar with Intercambio and learn how to find a conversational partner
2. Complete your profile
3. Search for a conversational partner

Esta semana me es difícil empezar debido a mi horario de trabajo. ¿Está bien si empiezo la próxima semana o me atrasaré? This is a tough week for me to start because of my work schedule. Is it okay to start next week or will I be behind?

– Sí, por supuesto que está bien que empieces cuando puedas. Como miembro, Intercambio es flexible en cuanto a tu horario. Si una semana no puedes pero quieres programar dos sesiones para la siguiente semana, está perfecto. Para que funcione para ti, tiene que funcionar según tu horario, así que hemos diseñado el programa para que sea flexible. 
Yes it is absolutely fine to start when you can. As a member, it is flexible around your schedule. If you have to miss a week, but want to schedule two sessions the next week, that is fine. In order for it to work for you it has to work with your schedule, it is flexible from our end.

¿Hay alguna manejar de configurar las notificaciones por email que recibo de este grupo? Is there a way to manage my emails notifications for this group?

Sí, claro. Aquí están los pasos a seguir. Yes, there is! Here are the steps:

– Ve a tu perfil y haz clic en el icono de la rueda dentada y selecciona “My Conversational Account”. Go to your profile and click the gear icon and select “My Conversational Account”.

– Selecciona “Notifications” y elige cuáles notificaciones quieres recibir en tu email. Select “Notifications” and choose which email notifications you want to receive. 

– Asegúrate de marcar la casilla de verificación para que recibas mensajes privados. Esto te permitirá conectarte con tus compañeros de conversación. Make sure you mark the check-box to receive private messages. This will allow you to connect with conversational partners.

No estoy recibiendo sus emails de los lunes con la guía de conversación. I’m not getting your Monday morning emails with the conversational guide?

– Lo sentimos. Primero, chequea por favor tu bandeja de spam y mira si recibiste mensajes de 
[email protected] O [email protected] 
– Mueve esos emails a tu bandeja de entrada
– Si no puedes encontrar nuestros emails en tu bandeja de spam, por favor envíale un email directamente a  [email protected] 

I’m sorry. First, please check your Spam / Junk folder and look for messages from either [email protected] OR [email protected] 
Move these emails to your inbox 
If you cannot find the emails in your spam / junk folders. Please email Leslie Foster directly at [email protected] 

¿Tienes una pregunta que no está aquí? Hazla abajo en los comentarios. Do you have a question that’s not answered here? Ask below in the comments.

40 thoughts on “Intercambio FAQ’s – Preguntas Frecuentes”

  1. I have a Whatsapp number because I am in another group on Whatsapp. What do I need to do to join the Intercambio group? Nothing that the Whatsapp web tells me to do seems to work.

  2. Jessica Donahue

    Hello! I was wondering if there is a central location where we have access to the power points that are used? I was wanting to review some of them but don’t want to have to go through the recording. Thanks in advance!


    1. Hola Jess! Great question. Unfortunately, we don’t have the Keynotes posted right now, but that is a great idea! What lessons do you want to review? Let me see what I can send you. Gracias

      1. Jessica Donahue

        Sorry I am just now seeing this. There’s no specific one at the moment. However, I am currently going through the beginner grammar index material and am looking for the handout to download on the “stem changing verbs”. I have not been able to locate that. Is there a way for me to find that on the website? Thanks in advance!

  3. Emily Parkinson

    Hola! I think I may have missed this somewhere…is there a recommended structure for how we balance Spanish/English in the conversations? I see the conversation guides with the questions/activities in both languages, but I’m wondering if there’s a recommended sequence (ie, half hour in all Spanish, then half hour in English…switch off 10 minutes each language back and forth, etc). Is this up to us to decide with our partner? Gracias!!

    1. Hola, Emily. Good question! 🙂 What we recommend is spending half of the time talking in one language and then the other half talking in the other, that way you will avoid confusion and misunderstandings.
      I, for example, always start talking in Spanish with my partner and after 30 minutes, we switch to an only English language conversation.

      Of course, this is something you could decide with your partner and it will depend on your own English/Spanish language level.

      Hope this helps!

  4. Gloria Ballard

    ¡Hola! Leslie & Rory, I have trouble finding where to see private messages, or messages posted to “my wall” on the website. I have three conversational partners in three different time zones and would like to refer back to past email messages to double-check our planned meeting times. How can I get back to those messages?

    1. Hola Gloria- muy buena pregunta…First go to your profile. To see private messages and your history of previous conversations you will click on the message icon (looks like a letter). To see message you have posted on the wall, you will go to my comments icon also in your profile. Both of these icons will be just under your picture. Gracias!

  5. Lois Kellenbenz

    I’m learning something every day, but not fast enough. I finally got Skype, and now I want to get What’s App. I see there are many versions of What’s App available. Which one do I need?

    Also, I have been trying to do everything on my iPad, but I see the demos are on a computer. Would it be easier if I use a computer instead of the tablet?

  6. Karen Munsell

    I realized I am not at all good at finding my way around this website and figuring out how to connect. I get an email when someone posts but when I click on the link in the email it takes me to the general board page, not the actual message so I can never find the actual message the email is referring too. In all the emails I got, I missed one that was a private message I guess as I didn’t see it until I logged in to my account here.
    Another thing is I realize my verbal Spanish is horrible and I wanted to change my level to a lower level but can’t seem to figure out how to edit my profile. Thank you for your time.

    Karen Munsell

    1. Hola Karen! Sorry I’m just now getting back to you:( I just sent you a test message. Can you respond to that if you get it? I can also help you change your level. Message me with the change you want. Gracias!

  7. Lois Kellenbenz

    I just got a Skype account, and realized I don’t know how to use it, only how to answer when someone else calls me. Two questions: what is my “Skype name” that the profile asks for? How do I initiate a call to another participant?

    1. In order to initiate a call to another participant, you have to search on their skype name and once you’ve found them, you can click on video call or audio call. See screenshot…how to call

  8. Karen Munsell

    I have left messages on the board with questions and I have made sure that my notifications check boxes are all checked but I have yet to receive any notifications other than direct emails from Intercambio. I can see that there have been many posts on the board so not sure why I am not getting them?

    1. HOla Karen: Please try these steps to get group messages:
      QUICK FIX to email notifications…
      1. Go to your profile
      2. Click on the gear icon
      3. Choose “My Conversational Account” from the dropdown menu
      4. Click on the Email icon
      5. Check the two group boxes
      6. Click the button “update notifications”

      Let me know if this works!

  9. Aliana Summers

    If I use the time zone calculator, I have to know which city the other person is in. So that’s the first thing I have to ask. Is that right? The profile usually just has the country. Also, when someone says ‘central time’, does that mean ‘central time, North America’? Is Mexico in North America or Central America?

    1. Great questions Aliana. Time zones are tricky no doubt. Mexico does have 3 time zones, which is unusual for Latin American countries. For most countries, you just need to know the country. For MX however, yes you would want to know the city so that you can find the closest city in the calculator. FYI – every little city is not listed… just like every city in the USA isn’t listed in the calculator. So, you may want to be looking at a google map at the same time. Pacific, Mountain, Central, & Eastern are US terms that don’t apply in Latin America. PLUS – most Latin American countries don’t change times throughout the year… so you’ll keep that in mind when we “fall back”. Hope that helps!

  10. Lois Kellenbenz

    I currently don’t have either Skype or What’s App. Is one better for use with a Mac laptop or tablet? When I looked at What’s App, I saw several different versions. Which one would I need?

  11. Bhagwant Borkar

    Am I going to have only 1 partner all the time or different ones?
    Every week how often and how long will be able to communicate?

    1. Hola Bhagwant! You can choose to have just 1 partner or there might be several good fits. There are advantages to both. A per your question about how often and how long- that again is up to your schedule and your flexibility. We recommend at least one time per week for 1 hour. But you are welcome to schedule more frequently and for longer periods of time.

  12. Lois Kellenbenz

    I’m having trouble setting up my profile. I got started but then wasn’t able to finish. Can I respond to invitations to tal even though I’m not finished with that process?

    1. Good morning Lois, yes you should be able to. You may also try logging out, clearing your browser cache, and then logging back in to see if that gives you access again. Thanks for your patience with the system :).

  13. Jeanina Tatiana Cáceres Ayala

    Hola Leslie, me refería a las reuniones con los otros miembros, lo siento, me expresé mal. Gracias otra vez

  14. Jeanina Tatiana Cáceres Ayala

    Hola Rory, me gustaría saber el tiempo de duración de la reunión, por favor. Gracias mil

  15. HELP! I think i signed up with rose40@juno as my email address. But I forgot to write down my chosen password. I need it to connect with Zoom.
    Thank You,

    1. Hola Rosellen! No, you will not need your password for the Zoom meeting, just the link to join. Do you need help resetting your password to get into your account?

  16. Kathleen Curti

    I tried uploading a picture for my profile but it wouldn’t accept any photos that I tried. I wasn’t able to continue to get signed up without my photo.

  17. Suzannah Pessagno

    Hi. Can you explain about accounting for different time zones when finding a partner? Thanks!

    1. Hi, yes Suzannah. Just yesterday I put up a time zone calculator in the sidebar. So figure out where your partner is located & use the calculator. It’s at the bottom of the sidebar quick links.

  18. Jane Vincello

    As an English speaker, do I request another English Speaker, who is learning Spanish OR find a Spanish speaker to practice with OR either?! Thank you.

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