This medical Spanish lesson focuses on talking about fall prevention in Spanish, both at home and at the hospital. We share some vocabulary and phrases to talk about the most common rules the patient needs to follow to avoid accidents when he or she tries to stand up or walk around.
Here is the Fall Prevention in Spanish lesson I taught to the Facebook group:
Some vocabulary to remember:
Condiciones o síntomas que contribuyen a las caídas:
- Mareo
: Dizzines.
- Dolor
: Pain.
- Falta de aire
: Shortness of breath.
- Hormigueo
: Tingling.
- Falta de sensación
: Numbness
Fall Prevention at Home – Prevención de caídas en la casa
- Movimiento/Ejercicio:
- Llevar zapatos estables
: Wear stable shoes
- No usar tacones
: Do not wear heels.
- No usar zapatillas
: Do not wear slipers.
- No usar suelas resbaladizas
: Do not wear slippery soles
- No andar descalzos
: Do not walk barefoot.
- No andar en calcetines
: Do not walk in stockings or socks.
- Usar zapatos robustos
: Wear sturdy shoes.
- Usar zapatos con suelas antideslizantes
: Wear shoes with non-slip soles.
- No usar tacones
- Eliminar peligros en la casa
: Eliminate hazards in the house
- Iluminar bien la casa
: Illuminate well the house
- Usar aparatos de apoyo
: Use supportive devices
Fall Prevention at the Hospital – Prevención de caídas en el hospital
- Pida ayuda
: Ask for help
- Pida un acompañante para que no esté solo
: Ask for a companion to not be alone
- Un pariente: A family member.
- Un amigo: A friend
- Use anteojos (si tiene)
: Use your glasses (if you have to)
- Pasos específicos (además del botón de llamada): Specific steps (besides the call button)
I put together a vocabulary list and set of notes that includes this information in an easily downloadable .pdf – Get your copy for free today!
Keep up the good work speaking responsible Spanish to your patients!
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