Tag: medical spanish
How to Evaluate Depression in Spanish using SIG E CAPS
This Medical Spanish lesson teaches you how to evaluate depression in Spanish using SIG E CAPS and PHQ-9 with your Spanish speaking patients. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see all of our lessons and get the latest videos right away! Note: I published a lesson about SIG E CAPS early this year. You can
How to use Lo Que and Lo Cual in medical Spanish conversations
Lo Que and Lo Cual are relative pronouns in Spanish… which means that they connect two clauses in a sentence. Lo que and lo cual are not gender specific; they’re neutral, meaning that they often refer to ideas or actions (not specific nouns that have a gender in Spanish). If you’re using que and cual
7 Medical Imaging Techniques in Spanish
In this lesson, you will learn how to describe 7 common medical imaging techniques in Spanish The 7 medical imaging procedures described in this video are: Here is the medical imaging terms in Spanish lesson: Here is a full list of the vocabulary from the lesson: Alzheimer’s disease la enfermedad de Alzheimer arthritis el artritis
6 Essential Medical Spanish Verb Conjugations for Healthcare Workers in the USA
How to Manage the Most Frequently Used Verb Conjugations in Spanish for Healthcare Workers. Verbs are are the glue that hold a language together and create meaning. A pure vocabulary-based subject/noun/adjective communication style is caveman speak, and you’re way too smart for that! So, in this post we’re breaking down the 6 most common Spanish
Fall Prevention in Spanish – Useful Vocabulary To Learn
This medical Spanish lesson focuses on talking about fall prevention in Spanish, both at home and at the hospital. We share some vocabulary and phrases to talk about the most common rules the patient needs to follow to avoid accidents when he or she tries to stand up or walk around. Here is the Fall Prevention
Active Listening, Empathizing & Summarizing Patient Complaints in Spanish
This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on Active Listening, Empathizing & Summarizing Patient Complaints in Spanish. You’re going to learn useful phrases and vocabulary for showing understanding and managing difficult news with your Spanish-only patients. When you’re listening to your patient stories in English, you have all sorts of small verbal cues that you give
3 Ps of Hospital Nursing in Spanish
This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on understanding the 3 Ps of Hospital Nursing in Spanish: Pain, Potty, and Position. These 3 Ps are the most common things a nurse has to talk about all the time with their patients. Here is the 3 Ps of Hospital Nursing in Spanish lesson I taught to the Facebook
Explaining A1C in Spanish: Ranges, Results and Recommendations
How to explain A1C tests and results to your patients in Spanish? According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, The A1C test is a blood test that provides information about “a person’s average levels of blood glucose, also called blood sugar, over the past three months”. So, if you want to
How to Discuss Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Spanish
Diabetes is obviously a common topic in the clinic, but how do your conversations go in Spanish? Do you ever wonder what is the best way to say things like “unexplained weight loss”, “numbness and tingling” , “sugary drinks” in Spanish? In today’s lesson you’ll learn diabetes terminology in Spanish and how to ask a
OPQRST in Spanish – Questions to understand the history of the problem – HPI in Spanish
OPQRST is a great acronym for understanding the history of the problem – but it requires some special vocabulary and grammar to take an HPI in Spanish. Learn how to collect important history information and conduct an HPI in Spanish like: Onset, Location, Duration, Aggravating factors, Relieving factors, Treatments, & Severity. As we all
33 Verbs & Useful Phrases for the Physical Exam in Spanish
In today’s Medical Spanish lesson, you will learn how to talk through the physical exam in Spanish. Specifically, you’ll learn how to: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see all of our lessons and get the latest videos right away! Para informarle (al paciente) qué haces – Just to tell your patient what you are
20 Medical Spanish Words and Memory Tricks to remember them
This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on 20 Medical Spanish Word Associations that make it easier to remember and use them with your Spanish speaking patients. Here is the 20 Medical Spanish Word Associations lesson I taught to the Facebook group: 1. Cintura Cintura is the waistline or lower back – the part of the human body
Explaining Depression Diagnoses & Treatments in Spanish
This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on explaining the depression diagnoses and treatments in Spanish to your Spanish speaking patients. Here is the Depression Diagnoses & Treatments in Spanish lesson I taught to the Facebook group: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see all of our lessons and get the latest videos right away! When we
How to Talk About Pain in Spanish: Dolor, Duele, Adolorido
This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on how to talk about pain in Spanish and understanding the different words to describe it when talking with your Spanish speaking patients. Here is the Pain in Spanish lesson I taught to the Facebook group: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see all of our lessons and get the latest
Why We Teach Medical Spanish
Every time I promote anything “Medical Spanish”, whether it’s local courses, online courses, immersion trips, free lessons, etc – literally ANYTHING – I ruffle the feathers of a small percentage of the people who have received the promotion. It’s like clockwork – I can expect that within 24 hours of starting a promotion, someone will respond to
10 Common Medical Spanish Mistakes
This medical Spanish lesson focuses on talking about the 10 common Medical Spanish mistakes. They are mistakes that many people make, but you can avoid just by thinking about them a little bit. Here is the 10 Common Medical Spanish Mistakes lesson I taught to the Facebook group: 1. Most common medical Spanish mistakes are
Cultural Tips for Women Providers Working with Male Latino Patients
This Medical Spanish lesson focuses on looking at the anxiety and embarrassment that male latino patients have when they are coming into the clinic and their provider is a woman. Here are some things you can keep in mind when working with male patients. Here is the Women Providers Working with Male Latino Patients lesson
Explaining the 5 2 1 0 Diet in Spanish
The 5 2 1 0 diet in Spanish helps you easily talk through the number of fruits & vegetables, screen time, activity, and sugary drinks that are healthy to consume on a daily basis. Here is the 5 2 1 0 Diet lesson I taught to the Facebook group: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to
How to Say Penis in Spanish Without Scaring or Offending Anyone
It’s taken me some time to work up the courage to write this post on penis in Spanish. I’m an internal processor, and I’m always catching my wife by surprise with ideas I’ve been thinking about but not sharing (by this time they’re basically not ideas anymore, rather plans of action). This time it was no
Pain in Spanish: Dolor vs Duele and how to use each properly
What is the difference between dolor and duele – Don’t they both mean Pain in Spanish? Dolor and duele aren’t too complicated to sort out. We have differences in meaning, and differences in use. Simple differences in meaning: dolor = pain duele = hurt – derived from the verb doler (o-ue) A clear understanding of what each term
Responsible Use of Medical Spanish & 3 Signs you may need a tune-up!
It’s tempting to assume that your medical Spanish is “good enough”… The fact that you can “get by” with Spanish in social contexts doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be relying exclusively on yourself with your Spanish-only patients. Unless you’ve spent some time digging into proper medical terminology and some standard ways of phrasing basic medical
3 Principles for International Medical Work
International medical work is rewarding for the healthcare professionals who travel abroad. Three guiding principles ensure your work is proper, ethical, and sustainable within your target communities as well. For the past 10 months Common Ground has been evaluating its international medical work in Costa Rica. Our self-evaluation started as we came across some interesting
Onsite English Classes: 3 Necessities for Success!
3 Essential components for a successful English class at your workplace We’re always excited when a new client inquires about offering an English classes to their employees, and we’re equally surprised by many corporations’ willingness to implement a hasty plan and be satisfied with a “trial and error” approach to language training. At Common Ground
The case for Practicing Medical Spanish with patients
“The stakes are too high – I can’t practice medical Spanish with my patients.” We often hear this sentiment expressed in our Medical Spanish classes, and while it is a responsible approach to patient care, it may not always be true. The underlying principle at work when you feel the hesitation to use Spanish with
Language Acquisition vs. Language Learning: Truly Acquiring a Foreign Language!
Ever wish you could acquire your second language as naturally as you did your first? True language acquisition is the idea behind immersion programs abroad and immersion-style teaching. “I’m not good at languages.” For a long time, the dominant model used by language educators has been language “learning.” Language learning consists of learning about the
Formal Medical Spanish Commands
Medical Spanish Commands: Getting the Imperative Right in a Medical Setting Ever found yourself fumbling for the right way to tell your Spanish-speaking patients to do something, and end up using the present tense verb conjugation? Good news! Forming the imperative (Spanish command form) of verbs is easy – especially in the Usted form, which
Out of the classroom and into the world: Formal Spanish greetings
Formal Spanish Greetings- Getting Started Whether you’re traveling to Costa Rica with us this summer or working with Latinos in your own community, properly greeting and conversing with the people you meet is crucial to getting off on the right foot. We’ve talked about the importance of greetings in Latin culture, but it’s also important
Spanish Immersion and the 5 C’s of Foreign Language Education
Spanish Immersion in Costa Rica and the 5 C’s of Foreign Language Education The 5 C’s of Foreign Language Education have been developed by ACTFL as the national standard for foreign language teaching,* and have been wholly adopted at the local level by educational organizations, including The Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers(CCFLT). Common Ground
Beyond Hola: Spanish Greetings in Costa Rica (and beyond)
Informal Spanish greetings If you’re traveling to Costa Rica with Common Ground this spring or summer, you’ll be greeted a lot of different ways by Ticos (Costa Ricans). Greeting people is extremely important in Latin culture – you’ll do it dozens of times a day – so you’ll want to diversify your repertoire. Here’s some
Top 10 Beginner Medical Spanish Errors (Part 2)
In our Top 10 Beginner Medical Spanish Errors, we looked at some of the most common errors our students make at the Beginning I level. Here´s another round of common errors that we see across Beginning I and II courses. 1. ¿De dónde está usted? De dónde = from where, indicating origin Dónde está
Saying “for” en Español: Por vs. Para
If you’ve ever had trouble saying “for” in Spanish, you’re not alone! Let’s talk about por vs. para: The key to understanding por vs. para is to think of the meaning you want to convey. If I use a phrase such as “three for a dollar” in English, the “for” has a different meaning than
Medical Spanish words to know ¿Cómo se dice?
Let’s talk medical Spanish. What is the best word to use? There are many medical Spanish words and phrases that can stump a medical professional. Some words that have similar meanings can be interchangeable, but not always. Some words also have multiple meanings. Below are some examples of medical Spanish words that have similar and/or
Donations needed for upcoming medical mission
Can you help us help the under-served in Costa Rica for our medical missions? Each year Common Ground International leads a medical mission in Costa Rica for student and professional participants. Over the years the groups who have traveled to Costa Rica have had the opportunity to take donated medical supplies to help re-stock clinics
Spanish Resources Online: Where to get your daily dose of Spanish
Spanish Resources Online: Supplement your Spanish Learning! Whether you want to follow international news, work on your pronunciation, or just find the right Spanish word, here are a few online Spanish resources to help you with your language skills: 1.GoogleNoticiasEspaña – News from a variety of Spanish news sources. Also, check out Google News; you
Top 10 Beginner Medical Spanish Mistakes
Medical Spanish Mistakes: Avoid these common Errors! Everyone makes mistakes, especially when learning a new language!Hopefully your Spanish mistakes have given you and your pacientes a few laughs.Here are the ones we hear most frequently with our Beginning Medical Spanish students: 1. Me llamo es John. Me llamo es John. = I call myself is
Medical Spanish Students, Find us on Facebook!
Have you lost touch with your Medical Spanish classmates? Find Common Ground on Facebook for information about upcoming classes, trips, social events, as well as cultural information, news from Latin America, language services and photos from our immersion trips to Costa Rica!
Personalismo – What’s your approach?
Latino Culture- Personalismo Last week we explored the cultural basis of latino agreeableness and its effects in the medical setting. We mentioned that the rate of patient compliance can be strongly affected by the relationship between patient and health care worker. But what constitutes a good relationship with a latino patient? We’ve already pointed out
Latino Culture and Agreeableness in a Medical Setting
Understanding Latino Culture: Agreeableness As with the cleaning staff manager we wrote about a few weeks ago, the topic of agreeableness comes up a lot with our Medical Spanish students when discussing Latino culture. In a recent conversation with a NICU nurse who frequently works with the Latino parents of the babies she cares for,
Working with Latino Patients & Families
Latino Patients: Understanding the Family and Latino Culture “Why are there so many people in the room?” is a question often asked by our medical Spanish students when talking about treating their Latino patients. “I go in to talk to a patient and there are 12 people in the room listening to my every word
U.S Latinos: Where does communication break down?
U.S. Latino, Chicano, Hispanic? Latinos are the second largest ethnic group in the United States, and about 61% of U.S. Latinos were foreign-born. This means that as of last year, at least 12% of the U.S. population was Spanish speaking, as estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau. By “Latino”,we mean people of Latin American ancestry
Cross-cultural communication – Where to Start?
Cross-Cultural Communication with Latinos Having interacted with people of many other cultures, we’ve seen that often the true stumbling block in relating to people of another culture isn’t just lack of exposure or willingness to “understand,” but the unconscious assumption that other people think they way I do. Just recently, we were talking to a